Sunday, 14 June 2015

What our nurses/care givers do in your house.


*Administer assisted personal care such as bathroom or bedbath,oral care,change of diapers.

*Help with bedpan,urinal.

*Assist clients with feeding when necessary.

*Provide companionship to client.

Accompany clients to location outside the home such as doctor visits/appointment.

*Provide basic first aid care for the clients, checking and take record of client pulse rate, temperature, blood pressure, and respiration rate.

*Administer medication to client as prescribed by client’s physician.

*Assist with light house keeping for client such as dusting, making beds, vacuuming, clearing kitchens.

*Provide emotional support to client.

*Run light errands for clients.

And many more.

Contact us today for a responsible nurse/care giver @
07060851423 or 08025752474

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Homecare Nursing in Nigeria

There are basically 4 reasons for home care settings;
1.    For living longer since most patients want to age in place with dignity.
2.    Patients have more chronic, complex conditions.
3.    They leave the hospital earlier and thus need more intensive care.
4.    Sophisticated medical devices have been moved into homes. Devices that were only used in homes and bedrooms. (Agency for healthcare research and quality, 2011).

Home care nursing is for individuals who need direct nursing care, but who do not wish to live in a nursing facility. A nurse can visit the home and provide care in that setting. A home health care patient is referred to as a client, and home care can last for a short period of time or an indefinite amount of time, according to (Annie, 2010)

If you have health challenges and you need nurses or care givers to help you at home with activities of daily living.
Contact the professionals @
07060851423 or 2348025752474

Friday, 5 June 2015

Homecare for diabetic foot patient

Diabetes is a disease that stops a person from making enough insulin to control glucose levels. The disease can cause foot problems. Diabetes can cause nerve damage. It also can cause narrowing of the blood vessels in the feet. Without proper care, foot problems can lead to amputation. These problems include: - Foot infections. - Foot ulcers. - Lower extremity infections. - Narrowing of blood vessels. - Nerve damage. - Numbness. Keeping your blood sugar within or close to a normal range can help prevent the foot problems associated with diabetes. Wash your feet daily and wear proper footwear. Exercise helps keep the blood vessels healthy and can prevent foot problems. Quitting smoking if you smoke can increase blood flow to the feet and help prevent foot problems. If you are a person with diabetes, check your feet for injuries often and see your health care provider regularly.
At bluegate home care
We managed diabetes beyond helping you to give prescribed dose of insulin.
We help you to prevent complications and live a meaningful life with the help of our professional care givers.
Contact us today @

Thursday, 4 June 2015

Bluegate homecare in Lagos..........we care about your health.

Diabetes insipidus (DI) causes frequent urination. You become extremely thirsty, so you drink. Then you urinate. This cycle can keep you from sleeping or even make you wet the bed. Your body produces large volumes of urine that are almost all water. 

DI is different from diabetes mellitus (DM), which involves insulin problems and high blood sugar. The symptoms can be similar; however, DI is related to how your kidneys handle fluids. It's much less common than DM. Urine and blood tests can show which one you have. 

Usually, DI is caused by a problem with your pituitary gland or your kidneys. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem. Medicines can often help.