Sunday, 24 December 2017

Our Staffs and their commitment towards their job

"What is worth doing is worth doing well" goes the popular saying.
Our Staffs at bluegate homecare are rock solid,hardworking,dedicated,passionate and wonderful at their job.
With highest level of motivation by the management,these staffs are always ready to put in their very best.
Our clients are always happy and gives good report about them.
We are highly proud of our staffs and at this season we say merry Xmas to you.

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

What is your plan for your aged parent?

There is this saying that "you don't go to war without armour".
You don't go to battle field unprepared.
My question today is as regards your parents, have you prepared for them as they gradually age?
The truth is someday,you are going to look at your mum or dad and realize that the beauty and handsomeness have given way to wrinkled faces.
Then, reality will beckon on you that your parents are becoming old and there is nothing to do about it.
So,do you have a plan for them concerning what is likely to come, especially health challenges?
Dear Readers,truth hurts but reality speaking,old age comes with lot of illness which at times proves difficult for you to handle.
There were times when our parents saved for our future to be bright,e.g saved for our feeding,saved for education,saved for our hospital bills,saved for everything,so life can be better for their children.
Now that they are old and fragile,have you saved for their health which is the most pressing challenge they'll have,have you saved for their up keep?
They have to be cared for and supported at this time but because there was no savings for them,they tend to suffer when little illness comes up.
My advice : Start a saving scheme for your parents today,so when there is a need to care for them,there will be enough money to do so and heavens will reward you greatly for caring for them.

For your Elderly care at home in Nigeria
Contact us today @
Bluegate Homecare
51,Jubril Martin's Street,Surulere,
+234 802 5752 474